With less than a month until the new year and the start of a new decade, it’s time to start thinking about super-charging pharmacy profit opportunities and streamlining drug spending performance and rebate management.
Plus, it can’t hurt to start the new year – and decade – strong by using a tool that does all of this and helps pharmacies like yours make proactive buying decisions that can result in accelerated profits.
Believe it or not, this tool may sound simple and not entirely new – a pharmacy portal that you can access through the web or any smart mobile device to manage your drug spending and benefits. However, when tried-and-true-ideas, such as pharmacy portals, evolve and are customized to meet your specific needs, the experience is a game-changer for the pharmacy.
Top performing independent pharmacies are ending 2019 on a more profitable note using the all-new, redesigned AAPA AdvantEdge™ portal. And, moving into the new year, all AAPA members get free access to the industry’s #1 and most competitive pharmacy – starting right now, to boost profits and more efficiently track and manage drug buying in near-real time.
Track Near-Real Time Metrics for Real-Time Success
To help ensure a healthy profit margin, pharmacies must have the ability to track metrics that drive that profit – though rebates, spending, and even the ability to manage multiple pharmacies at once, just to name a few. The “secret sauce” to making this happen is by monitoring, responding to, and improving metrics.
One thing all successful AAPA member pharmacies have in common is their ability to utilize pharmacy insights and metrics to make proactive buying decisions. These decisions not only help boost profit margins, but also can help “move the needle” to succeed with larger rebates.
With the AdvantEdge™ portal, pharmacies can better succeed by getting near real-time access to:
In addition, members can get instant visual representation of the pharmacy’s performance for specified data ranges including:
These summary reports can be exported into Excel spreadsheets where they can be sorted, arranged, and customized to best suit the pharmacy’s goals and utilized to address – and correct – any challenges it might experience that might slow down profit acceleration.
As an AAPA member pharmacy, you already have access to our AdvantEdge™ Portal tool. The question is: are you ready to drive your pharmacy’s profits and rebates to the next level?
With this near real-time tool, designed to deliver proactive information that allows users to make more informed purchasing decisions, you can do exactly that.
Save time, remedy challenges, boost, and track the growth of your profitability. Go the new way in 2020. Already have your credentials? Just log in and go! Are you a member but haven't requested your credentials yet? Get them here!
Not a member yet? Get your AAPA Edge and learn more about how AAPA membership can help boost your independent pharmacy’s purchasing power, profitability, and support network to keep growing your business, by joining us today!
Learn more about the AAPA and its enhanced independent pharmacy offerings at http://www.aaparx.com/programs.